ThrillSeeker, after only twelve days, has 700 events- Ian Lewis reports

Countryfile – Thrillseeker promotions – with a regular audience of 6 million  – it's a great way to get your activities noticed. This Sunday (14 February). Features paragliding, Next Sunday (21 February). Features canoeing, 7 March – No promo as current content not applicable to campaign. 14 March – to follow
[Link with Thrillseeker through its partnership programme.  All details are below.]


During Winter Olympics
Regular promotion confirmed, so do please upload any activities that
relate to the Winter Olympics a.s.a.p.

Blue Peter
Regular promotion. Exact dates tbc. We will keep you updated.

In addition, the campaign has recently benefited from promotion across
several local radio and TV channels.

It was also featured across the BBC Homepage last week. We hope this
will also be repeated next week.

Note: Please do let us know about any big/interesting activities you are
         Though we cannot promise they will be featured, we will forward
them to our BBC programme/online teams for this purpose.

Due to the re-brand, which took up the entire week prior to launch, we
had limited time to fix technical bugs.

This meant that the overall service was not running as perfectly as we
would have normally hoped for.

Since launch, however, the team have been working incredibly hard to
address these issues and the service is improving every day.

We hope to have all outstanding issues fixed within the week and
apologise for any inconvenience this has caused.

To ensure continued improvement please do keep us informed of any
glitches you encounter.

New activities are being uploaded each day. We now have over 700, which
is a fantastic achievement in just a couple of weeks.

Thank you for all your efforts in making this happen.

New activities being added:
1. Adventure Challenge (Children) – Tier 1
2. Adventure Challenge (Adult)  Tier 2

We hope these will offer some flexibility when it comes to events that
contain a number of different activities, but don't quite fit existing

3. Paintballing – Tier 3

In addition:
1. Snorkelling has been down graded to Tier 2
2. Scuba (pool) has been down graded to Tier 2
3. Survival skills e.g. bushcraft has been down graded to Tier 2

The Terms & Conditions have been updated to reflect these changes.

Please do order our ThrillSeeker pocket guide to give out at your

The guide contains a summary of the campaign, some fantastic activity
ideas for younger children and a more info section.

In addition, we would ask that you order and use our e-posters to
promote your activities.

In addition to promoting your work, this will also ensure the public
know you are associated with the campaign.

Both can be ordered via our email:
Please put RESOURCES in the subject line.