Aims and Objectives

1. Aim. The Campaign seeks to show that life is best approached in a spirit of exploration, adventure and enterprise; to influence and better inform attitudes towards risk; to build wider recognition that chance, unforeseen circumstances and uncertainty are inescapable features of life and that absolute safety is unachievable; and to demonstrate that sensible education and preparation enable an appropriate balance to be achieved between risk and safety, opportunity, experience, and wisdom.

2. Objectives.

2.1 Public perception.

2.1.1 To influence attitudes towards hazard and risk, by fostering wider recognition that chance, uncertainty, hazard and risk are inescapable dimensions of human experience, and indeed a necessary consequence of there being a world sufficiently complex for life to exist at all, and that they can be turned to human advantage.

2.1.2 To educate the public and those in positions of influence into a realistic and more accurate awareness of relative risk, and of the benefits that may arise from considered risk-taking.

2.1.3 To show that appropriate preparation and precautions enable risk to be managed, and faced within acceptable limits of safety, especially in the context of work with young people.

2.1.4 To reinforce the key principle that the great majority of people are well intentioned, reliable and trustworthy; and to recognise that those who make mis-judgements should not necessarily be blamed.

2.2 Education.

2.2.1 To argue that sensible acceptance of risk assists the development of self-confidence, self-esteem and courage, which in turn helps develop positive and optimistic attitudes to others and to life.

2.2.2 To demonstrate that creativity and enterprise in any form depend on a willingness to experiment and to enter unknown territory.

2.2.3 To assist young people to recognise that uncertainties and hazards in life are inevitable and to help them to learn how to make balanced judgements about hazard and risk as they prepare for adult life.

2.2.4 To create frameworks, programmes, information and resources through which issues of uncertainty, hazard and risk may be explored effectively within school, youth work, Further and Higher Education establishments.

2.3 Media

2.3.1 To enlist the help of the media to celebrate the benefits and achievements that flow from sensible acceptance of risk.

2.3.2 To publicise widely the message that unnecessary pessimism, over-caution and an unadventurous approach to life lead to low expectations, lack of creativity and enterprise and under-achievement.

2.4 Evaluation

2.4.1 To evaluate the effect of the Campaign and to publicise the specific difficulties and opportunities which have been identified.

2.4.2 To develop an appropriate strategy, in partnership with other bodies, to plan for future actions or initiatives

see also: Campaign Agenda, Core Principles & Plan