Events and Conferences

The Campaign seeks to show that life is best approached in a spirit of exploration, adventure and enterprise; to influence and better inform attitudes towards risk; to build wider recognition that chance, unforeseen circumstances and uncertainty are inescapable features of life and that absolute safety is unachievable; and to demonstrate that sensible education and preparation enable an appropriate balance to be achieved between risk & safety and achievement & opportunity.

The main objective of this event was to attract the leaders and opinion-formers from across society and from different areas of interest and expertise – business, education, entrepreneurial activity, the voluntary sector, the law and government – to come together for a period of intense debate and discussion . The aim of the consultation was to explore the question: ‘What is the contribution that healthy adventure and exploration makes, and could be making, to all aspects of society if we were able to remove the blocks and free-up opportunity?

Participants and speakers

The place of outdoor learning in the national curriculum – a summary of the proposition from Bertie Everard

Adventure, risk and enterprise – an educational response from John Huskins

Hetan Shah’s notes on a single issue group

Professor Shirley Ali Khan’s summary of his discussion group’s thoughts


Sir Christopher Ball …….. Prof Rajagopadand Sampatkumer, Libby Purves & Jon Ball

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