On Wednesday, 19th June MPs re-confirmed their intentions for a more adventurous UK society by re-forming the All Party Parliamentary Group on Adventure and Recreation in Society [ARISc ].

Julian Brazier MP, ARISc Co-Chair with Stephen Pound MP and Lord Tony Greaves, stated “This group will work towards active education, access to adventure and real experiences which prepare and ensure quality lifestyles involving healthy risk-taking, confidence, experience, judgement, fitness, challenge and enterprise. We especially support the right balance between healthy risk-taking & safety and achievement & opportunity for all. When looking at great lives it is clear that the best lives are lived through active exploration, adventure and enterprise – physically, mentally, emotionally, socially and spiritually. Currently Westminster has a number of initiatives involving adventure. This group will give extra impetus to these whilst adding some of its own ideas. ”.

Stephen Pound MP, with Julian Brazier and Lord Greaves, have invited their parliamentary colleagues: “Hoping they will join this important group which intends to continue its support for healthy risk-taking across our society, particularly in support of volunteering, adventure sports, community self-responsibility, health education, initiative and enterprise.”.

Andrew Denton, Chief executive of the Outdoor Industries Association, who will be launching ‘Britain on Foot’ in Westminster at the same time, is also looking to support ‘ARISc’. Andrew said “ ‘Britain on Foot’ is a campaign which advocates more healthy life-styles for all through walking, cycling, running, camping – indeed all activities which lead to more time spent outdoors. For the UK, Adventure isn't just taking a risk or a state of mind, it is a £20bn economy that underpins UK tourism, contributes to wellness and the nation’s state of mind – for instance helping fight the battle against obesity and inactivity. Adventure, just getting active outdoors, is an easily accessible and integrated solution for many of the nations issues. The tourism economy is the 6th largest in the UK at £135bn, employing 9% of the country and growing at 7% pa – it is a vital heart beat of this fragile economy. In supporting adventure you are supporting the rural tourism economy and GB, this is good for government, good for the country and good for individuals!”


Parliamentary Group on Adventure and Recreation in Society re-forms…

On Wednesday, 19th June MPs will re-confirm their intentions for a more adventurous UK society by re-forming the All Party Parliamentary Group on Adventure and Recreation in Society [ARISc ].

Julian Brazier MP, ARISc Co-Chair with Stephen Pound MP and Lord Tony Greaves, stated “This group will work towards active education, access to adventure and real experiences which prepare and ensure quality lifestyles involving healthy risk-taking, confidence, experience, judgement, fitness, challenge and enterprise. We especially support the right balance between healthy risk-taking & safety and achievement & opportunity for all. When looking at great lives it is clear that the best lives are lived through active exploration, adventure and enterprise – physically, mentally, emotionally, socially and spiritually. Currently Westminster has a number of initiatives involving adventure. This group will give extra impetus to these whilst adding some of its own ideas. ”.

Stephen Pound MP, with Julian Brazier and Lord Greaves, have invited their parliamentary colleagues: “Hoping they will join this important group which intends to continue its support for healthy risk-taking across our society, particularly in support of volunteering, adventure sports, community self-responsibility, health education, initiative and enterprise.”.

Andrew Denton, Chief executive of the Outdoor Industries Association, who will be launching ‘Britain on Foot’ in Westminster at the same time, is also looking to support ‘ARISc’. Andrew said “ ‘Britain on Foot’ is a campaign which advocates more healthy life-styles for all through walking, cycling, running, camping – indeed all activities which lead to more time spent outdoors. For the UK, Adventure isn't just taking a risk or a state of mind, it is a £20bn economy that underpins UK tourism, contributes to wellness and the nation’s state of mind – for instance helping fight the battle against obesity and inactivity. Adventure, just getting active outdoors, is an easily accessible and integrated solution for many of the nations issues. The tourism economy is the 6th largest in the UK at £135bn, employing 9% of the country and growing

Ian Lewis, Director of Campaign for Adventure(CfA) said “This is the right time for this group to reform. When Prince Philip called for a Campaign he made clear that ‘the danger is not that we take risks, it is that we do not take enough risks’.


Right now the UK has, in addition to the ‘Britain on Foot Campaign’, many adventure lifestyle initiatives including the BBC ‘Things to Do’. The GREAT Campaign is busy promoting active and adventurous visits to the UK . The National Trust & RSPB are supporting ‘WILD’ – an invitation for all to try new ‘wild’ activities. This is all supported by ‘Education Outside the Classroom’, ‘Real World Learning’, ‘Learning Through Landscapes’, The Outdoor Council, ScoutingUK, GuidingUK and Forest Schools to mention just a few.

CfA hopes the ARISc group will bring together all those Parliamentarians who are concerned with healthy lifestyles and healthy risk-taking in education, communities, business, sport, ensuring they are supported and not inhibited by red-tape, litigation and excessive health and safety. We would not be celebrating the 60th anniversary of the accent of Everest this year if risks had not been taken – indeed we would not be celebrating very much at all.”

“Most indicators of happiness in life show that early awareness and experience of managing risks, chance and uncertainty and bringing them into our lives is a vital part of finding, creating and taking opportunities. High achievers all acknowledge not only that risk is an inescapable part of success, that absolute safety never exists, but also that healthy risk-taking is necessary as a part of as life well-lived.” .

The ARISc group was instrumental, under the last Government, in securing the Compensation Act which has been successfully cited in a several court cases by the Scouts and others, in defending against unreasonable compensation claims.


Julian Brazier TD MP

Stephen Pound MP

The Lord Greaves

Ian Lewis Campaign for Adventure 01730 233652 07802423502 ian@campaignforadventure.org www.campaignforadventure.org

Downs View Langrish Hants GU32 1RB

Andrew Denton http://www.britainonfoot.co.uk/latest-news