Outdoor education drive to teach children about risk

By Cathy Wallace
Children & Young People Now 5 February 2008  http://www.cypnow.co.uk/News

Teachers and youth leaders should prioritise the educational benefits of school trips rather than fear "rare risks" such as terrorist attacks, according to ministers.


Launching the government's Staying Safe action plan today, junior children's minister Kevin Brennan said a culture change was needed to educate people on rare risks and real risks.

He said children were more at risk from accidents in the home or being hit by a car than paedophiles or terrorists.

The action plan aims to make it easier and less bureaucratic to take children on school trips.

Popular attractions will be able to apply for a quality mark that shows they meet standards for safety and the learning available.

Other measures in the plan include new guidance on bullying in settings outside of school, such as children's homes, and new guidance on protecting children with disabilities or special educational needs from bullying.

Brennan said: "If children are not safe, they cannot be happy, healthy, or reach their full potential. But we can't wrap them up – they need to learn about taking risks so they can protect themselves
