Civilian contractor injured during post war reconstruction: s1 Compensation Act 2006 has retrospective effect

This is the first reported case where the court has had to interpret s.1 of the Compensation Act 2006 and its application.

“Deterrent effect of potential liability"

The High Court has today handed down judgment in the case of Graham Hopps v (1) Mott MacDonald Ltd and (2) Ministry of Defence (MOD), the first reported case applying s1 of the Compensation Act 2006. The Claimant, Mr Hopps, failed in his claim against the Defendants for compensation for personal injury arising out of an incident in Basrah, Iraq, on 28.10.03, when an improvised explosive device (“IED”) was detonated as the unarmoured vehicle in which the Claimant was travelling passed by.


Ian Lewis  Coordinator  Campaign for Adventure