Risk and Regulation Advisory Council

Today the BERR announced its much awaited guide to risk and risk culture in the UK.  The Dept for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform [BERR] today has called on us all to review our attitude to risk saying that the payoff needs to be a part of the understanding and any decision before any more rules are written. 

The whole story will be reported here through this OAW09 – the Outdoor Adventure Week for the UK.  A Worrier's Guide to Risk from Cambridge University by Prof David Spieglehalter – again makes clear the need to apply the two fundamental rules of common sense to any reaction to risk.  Firstly to be proportionate – to know the likelihood of any risk occurring and secondly to relate this to the payoff of any risk including the cost – social, financial, opportunity, and so on,  of not undertaking the risk.

Campaign for Adventure strongly commends The Worrier Guide

No Risk, No Life; Know Risk, Know Life!


<www.bbc.co.uk/radio4/today>  [20.05.09 06.50] <www.outdoor-learning.org> Outdoor adventure Week


A Worrier's Guide to Risk

david's picture

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The Worrier’s Guide to Risk is intended to be a one-page check-list to help people make more sense of the seemingly unending series of stories on risk. This is a first draft, that has been produced in association with the Risk and Regulation Advisory Council, which is an independent advisory group which aims to improve the understanding of public risk and how best to respond to it in making and implementing policy.