“We need to swing the balance back in favour of entrepreneurial spirit."

"We want to make sure that charities spend more time on their valuable work to support our communities" says Minister for Business and Enterprise, Mark Prisk

The Big Society De-regulation Taskforce was announced today by Business Minister Mark Prisk and Civil Society Minister Nick Hurd. It will be led by Lord Hodgson of Astley Abbotts. "It's part of the Government's commitment to making it easier to run charities, voluntary groups and social enterprises. "

“This taskforce will build on previous research into burdens on small business to look at how we can encourage more people to work together to improve their communities and help one another. Lord Hodgson has assembled a very strong team and I look forward to their recommendations.”

The taskforce is still to decide which specific areas to focus on, which may include:

  • responsibilities of trustees and directors
  • employment law
  • contractual arrangements when civil society organisations provide public services.

You can also join in the debate on cutting red tape for business and the third sector at Your Freedom
