Following a meeting yesterday evening, the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Risk and Adventure in Society has agreed with Jane Kennedy MP, minister responsible for health and safety at work, to investigate the state of outdoor activities and the litigation culture which has been causing difficulties for volunteers and professionals alike.  Lembit Öpik, MP for Montgomeryshire, and
Leader of the Welsh Liberal Democrats, and co-Chair of the APPG, declared himself extremely pleased with the result of the meeting

Mr. Öpik said: 'We had a terrifically positive meeting, and I?d like to praise Jane Kennedy for the contribution she has made, both in the chamber and in private meetings, to this debate.  The Minister has effectively opened the way to a solution which benefits the Government, the outdoor industry and the public, through developing wider volunteering and education possibilities. I am very optimistic about where we go
from here.'

Commenting Julian Brazier, Conservative MP for Canterbury and Whitstable, and co-Chair of the APPG said: 'This is an exciting opportunity to make a difference for activities involving hundreds of thousands of young people and children.'

Derek Wyatt, Labour MP for Sittingbourne and Sheppey, and the third co-Chair of the APPG, added: 'Our next steps are an inquiry, to be held in June, and to be opened by Jane Kennedy, looking at the difficulties and opportunities for society in Risk and Adventure.  The Minister also promised a dialogue with the Health and Safety Commission and across Government, which will further understanding of the issues at hand here.

'This truly is a landmark in resolving these difficult issues.  I think we'll find a way though, on a cross party basis, and in close partnership with ministers.  This afternoon, the future for the outdoors looks much brighter than it did this morning.'